- navy Sweatshirt/cardigan - logo available
- white blouse or polo top
- grey/black/navy trousers or skirt
- blue checked pinafore
- black shoes
- Your son/daughter can wear their own clothes on their birthday.
Girls' PE Kit
Please wear your PE kit to school on PE Days.
House T-Shirt - available from school office
- black shorts/jogging bottoms.
- black plimsolls/trainers
Our school uniform can be purchased from the local supplier:
Logo Sports
Industrial House. Conway Street. Hove.
BN3 3LW.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.30pm
Saturday 9.00am to 1.00pm
Telephone. 01273 321209
- Navy sweatshirt - logo available
- white shirt or polo top
- grey/black tailored trousers or shorts
- Black shoes
Boys' PE Kit
Please wear your PE kit to school on PE Days.
House T-Shirt - available from school office.
- black shorts / jogging bottoms
- black plimsolls / trainers